Democrats and Republicans both have different views on immigration. Democrats vote to encourage immigration. Democrats take a protectionist position on immigration issue. Republicans are for greater enforcemnet at the border areas. Many business interest supported by republicans rely on immigrant labor. In the last decade certain votes demonstrate this uneven pattern. Almost a million people legally immigrated into the U.S. in 2004 under qualifying categories such as employment based preferences, family preference, immediate relatives of U.S citizens, diversity, and refugees/asylees. There is a difference between legal immigrants and citizens. Legal immigrants are basically the same but they just cant vote or hold political office. Just about 40% of the immigrants became citizens through a process called neutralization in order for the immigrant to become neutralized they have to have resided in the U.S for five years. Refugee immigration peaked inthe late 70s and 80s. Two amnesty programs provided legal status to about 3 million undocumented immigrants. A large number of immigrants started to enter the U.S. The total illegal immigrant number has increased drastically over 15 years. Legal immigrants usually come from Latin America and Asia, illegal immigrants come from Mexico and Central America. Legal immigrants tend to choose a state of large population such as California, New York, Florida, and Texas. There are many advantages to immigration. Some advantages are greater supply of unskilled workers, a younger workforce, skilled workers in needed sectors. There are also Disadvantages as well. Some disadvantages are greater poverty, more educational cost, lower unskilled wage levels, increased danger of a terrorist attack. Although U.S. immigration is substantial, other countries have adopted policies which encourage even greater immigration. Canada has long encouraged immigration as a vehicle for economic growth and its policies place greater emphasis on economic needs as a basis for recruitment of new immigrants.
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